The Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur organized a four-day training programme entitled “Advances in Weed Research” during 27-30 January 2023 for B.SC. students (72 boys and 43girls). During the training programme, students were briefed aboutthe major areas of research being undertaken at the Directorate, and weed management practices (cultural, mechanical, chemical, and biological methods) for crops and non-cropped areas and aquatic systems.
They were also detailed about the utilization of weeds for vermicomposting and phytoremediation of polluted water using aquatic weeds. A field visit was also arranged to make them aware of the weeds and demonstrate the different experiments and facilities including the technology park.
The entire training programme was interactive with many queries from the students to expand their technical know-how about weeds, their management practices, conservation agriculture, climate-resilient agriculture, instrumentation, etc.