Dr. Alok Kumar Sikka, former Deputy Director General (NRM), ICAR visited ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur on 5th June, 2024. In his interaction with the scientists of the institute, he underlined that the DWR is a unique institute in the world specifically working on various aspects of weed management. He emphasized that effective weed management technologies are needed for sustaining the productivity of crops under natural and organic farming, conservation agriculture, direct-seeded rice (DSR), etc.
There is a need to study the weed flora dynamics in natural farming systems, and under changing climate scenario. Eco-friendly management strategies for aquatic weeds especially water hyacinth need to be developed. He further suggested to develop efficient integrated weed management technologies for direct-seeded rice to increase the adoption of DSR and to save the water. Dr. Sikka also urged to initiate research on herbicide spraying through drones, especially in DSR.
Earlier, Dr. J.S. Mishra, Director, ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur, highlighted the ongoing research activities and the research achievements of th e Directorate.