The Satpura Thermal Power Station (STPS), Sarni, Betul (Madhya Pradesh) organized a programme on 3rd July 2024 to honour the scientists of the ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur for their commendable work on complete elimination of the invasive aquatic weed Salvinia molesta through insect bioagent Cyrtobagous salviniae in Satpura water reservoir within two years’ time.
The Chief Engineer Mr. VK Kaithwar whiling honouring the Director and the
scientists (Drs. Sushil Kumar, PK Singh, VK Choudhary, Deepak Pawar and Deeksha MG) appreciated the research work done by the Directorate and the dedication showed by the scientists, especially Dr. Sushil Kumar, who lead the project and concluded it very successfully.
He also appreciated the effort of Mr. MK Meena, Sr. Technical Officer and Mr. Mahendra Patel, SSS for their dedication and hard work. Earlier, Dr. JS Mishra, Director, DWR, Jabalpur visited the site and interacted with Fisherman community, who were also very happy with results as their livelihood was restored with elimination of the aquatic weed. Mr SK Wagadre, Superintendent Engineer coordinated the programme.