Under the ‘Rajya Yojna’ of Madhya Pradesh, 30 farmers from Damoh district (Damoh, Tendukheda, Hata, Pahera, Batiyagarh and Patera blocks) visited ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur, on 28th August, 2024. The farmers were accompanied by Sh. Motilal Ahirwar, BHDO, Tendukheda; Sh. Ajay Kumar Dwiwedi, SHDO, Hata and Sh. Devendra Kurmi, SHDO, Batiyagarh. During the visit, the farmers were guided by Dr. Deepak Pawar, Scientist, Agricultural Biotechnology; Dr. Deeksha M.G., Scientist, Entomology and Sh. S. K. Parey, Senior Technical Officer.
Starting with demonstrations at conservation agriculture fields, the farmers proceeded to the engineering workshop and then visited organic farming fields, a vermicomposting unit, FACE facility, containment facility, lysimeter unit, OTC chambers, aquatic weed tanks, and the ‘Technology Park’. They also toured the Directorate's ‘Information Centre,’ where they learned about the Directorate's key research areas, its history, and various weed management practices, including cultural, mechanical, chemical, and biological methods.
The farmers were introduced to significant weeds affecting field crops and were informed about the importance of conservation agriculture, particularly its role in reducing residue burning and greenhouse gas emissions from crop fields. The visit was highly interactive, with farmers asking numerous questions and expressing their satisfaction, as the experience broadened their understanding of weeds, management practices, conservation agriculture, and climate-resilient farming.