Sh. Bharat Patel is a small farmer of Barouda village under Panagar block having 3.15 acre of agricultural land where he cultivates paddy, wheat and greengram. He has 02 cows and 03 buffaloes. As an active participant under Farmer FIRST Project he has adopted various activities being carried out under Farmer FIRST Project like cultivation of hybrid rice, improved weed management in crops, cultivation of Samrat- a short duration variety of greengram and PU 31 an YMV resistant variety of blackgram in fallow lands. He adopted zero-till sowing of wheat which reduced the cost of cultivation. He has totally stopped burning of crop residues in the field. He showed keen interest in the production of vermicompost from the crop residues and other waste from the crop fields. As an innovative farmer he undertook cultivation of rasbhari a new introduction for realizing higher income. He also undertook mushroom cultivation. He was supplied cattle mineral mixture for feeding to his milch animals, which enhanced the milk quality and production.
Dr. RP Dubey, PI of the Farmer FIRST Project informed that recognizing the innovative nature in adapting various interventions under Farmer FIRST Project, Sh. Bharat Patel was conferred with “Innovative Farmer Award 2020” in a virtual programme organized on 1st September 2020 on the occasion of 45th Foundation Day of ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad.
Dr. PK Singh, Director, ICAR-DWR congratulated and felicitated Sh Patel for his achievements in a small function held on 6th October 2020 at DWR.