ICAR – DWR, Jabalpur has organized the Vigilance Awareness Week from 26-31 Oct, 2015 in a befitting manner. The program was planned and prepared under the guidance of Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, ICAR-DWR. The vigilance awareness week began with administering of the pledge to all the staff by Director on 26/10/2015 at 11.00 am in the conference hall of the Directorate. During the week long programme, various events like display of slogan/poster at different places, essay writing and debate competitions were organized by vigilance wing of the Directorate in which staff from all categories of DWR including RA/SRF and students were participated.
Further, an invited lecture on”preventive vigilance as a tool of good governance” was also delivered by resource person Sh. M.V. Surti (IPS), Superintendent of Police, CBI, Jabalpur. The importance of prevention of corruption act was narrated in details by Sh. Surti in his presentation. Purpose, measures, sources etc. of preventive vigilance were also described while describing the characteristics of good governance and use of e-governance.
Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, ICAR – DWR addressed the gathering and many administrative points related with vigilance and preventive vigilance were deliberated. He urged about punctuality and speedy movement of files at all stages following prescribed rules/regulation and procedures.
Dr. P.K. Singh, Principal Scientist and Vigilance Officer /Transparency Officer in his remarks said that transparency at all level are very much essential as part of preventive vigilance, he also gave details about the organized events during the vigilance awareness week and finally he proposed the vote of thanks.