About Directorate
Considering the problem of weeds in crop fields and need for weed research in India,
a Coordinated Weed Control Scheme on Wheat, Rice and Sugarcane was initiated as
early as 1952 in 11 States of the country by the ICAR to monitor the weed flora
and also to find out the relative feasibility of economical weed control. Later,
a number of Crop Research Institutes of ICAR and State Agricultural Universities
were involved in weed control research. Different State Agricultural Universities
also initiated the syllabus for weed management at under graduate and post-graduate
level to teach and train students and researchers in weeds and their management.
It was in 1978 the Weed Research Programme was strengthened through All India Coordinated
Research Programme on Weed Control by the ICAR in collaboration with the United
States Deptt. of Agriculture. Initially, six centres were started at different state
agricultural universities (SAU) for a period of six years. Later seven more centres
in II phase and nine more centres in III phase were added during 1982-83 and 1985-86
respectively for a period of five years each. The programme was continued with plan
funds of ICAR. This project assisted farming community through the scientific technologies
developed, which are effectively utilized for alleviating the yield losses due to
weeds in field crops. The research programme tackled problems of weed management
for which facilities were not available at different centres. In VII Plan, it was
decided to establish a National Research Centre for basic as well as applied research
in Weed Science in India. Accordingly, the National Research Centre for Weed Science
(NRCWS) was approved during the middle of VII Five Year Plan with a total outlay
of Rs. 64 lakhs. Approval of Govt. of India for establishing NRCWS was conveyed
vide DARE letter no. 13-13/85/AFC, dtd. November 14,1986. The Centre actually came
into existence on 22.04.1989 as National Research Centre for Weed Science (NRCWS)
with the following mandate. NRCWS was further upgraded by the Council as Directorate
of Weed Science Research (DWSR) vide its letter no. 14-3/2007-IA.II dated 23.01.2009.
The Directorate was upgraded to its present status in 2009 and was known as "Directorate of Weed Science Research (DWSR)". Vide council letter
number NRM-24-9/2013-IA-II dated 27th November, 2014, the Diretorate was renamed as "Directorate of Weed Research (DWR)". All India Coordinated Research
Project on Weed Control (AICRP-WC) was also Renamed as All India Coordinated Research Project on Weed Management (AICRP-WM).
Developing innovative, economic and eco-friendly weed management technologies to contain challenges ahead for sustainable agriculture and other societal benefits
To provide scientific research and technology in weed management for maximizing the economic, environmental and societal benefits for the people of India
- Conduct research for developing viable weed management technologies in crop and non-crop situations.
- Coordinate network research in weed management in different agro-ecological regions.
- Repository of information in weed science and act as a centre for training in weed management.
Organization and Management
- The Directorate comes under the administrative control of the Director. Quinquennial Review Team (QRT),
Research Advisory Committee (RAC), Institute Management Committee (IMC) and Institute Research Committee (IRC)
are other advisory bodies for research, teaching/training and extension activities. There are 5 major
research sections,4 administrative sections, and 12 other units and cells for smooth functioning and effective co-ordination.
Digital Land Records of ICAR-DWR
Land Record
Land Utilization
Revenue Map
Master Plan