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The Sanction letter of DARE, GOI for the establishment of National Research Centre for Weed Science (NRCWS)

The office of the NRCWS was initially started in 1989 in one room of Department of Agronomy, JNKVV, Jabalpur

The office was relocated to a private building at Ravindra Nagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur during 1990, (6 Km away from experimental station/NRCWS Farm)

The office was shifted to MP Housing board colony, Maharajpur during 1995 in front of NRCWS Farm

W shaped Model of NRCWS Office-cum-Laboratory building

Construction of administrative-cum-laboratory building of the Centre started during 1996-97

Construction of NRCWS Office-cum-Laboratory building (First Floor)

Construction of NRCWS Office-cum-Laboratory building (Second Floor)

Dr. GB Singh (DDG), Dr. PC Bhatia (ADG) and Dr. VM Bhan (Director) at the construction site

CPWD engineer explaining the building map to Dr. G.B. Singh, DDG NRM and Dr. PC Bhatia, ADG (Agronomy), ICAR

New Administrative-cum-laboratory building

New Administrative-cum-laboratory building

The Administrative-cum-Laboratory Building was inaugurated on 9 April, 2001 by Honorable Agriculture Minister, GOI, Shri Nitish Kumar, in the presence of Shri Mahendra Singh, State Agriculture Minister (Madhya Pradesh); Smt. Jayshree Banerjee, Member of Parliament, Jabalpur; Dr. R.S. Paroda, Director General ICAR & Secretary, DARE; Shri J.N.L. Srivastava, Agriculture Secretary, Govt. of India; Dr. G.B. Singh, Vice-Chancellor, JNKVV, Jabalpur; Dr. J.S. Samra, Deputy Director General (NRM); Dr. N.T. Yaduraju, Director NRCWS and a large number of dignitaries, invitees and farmers

NRCWS was further upgraded as Directorate of Weed Science Research (DWSR) on 23 January, 2009

The Directorate was renamed as "Directorate of Weed Research (DWR)" on 27th November, 2014

Aerial view of ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur

Newly constructed Training-cum-Farmer’s Hostel (inaugurated by Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, on 26 February, 2021)

Shri K.C. Lanka, Hon’able Minister of State for Agriculture, GOI visited research farm on 28 December, 1992

Dr. Balram Jakhar, Hon’able Union Agriculture Minister visited on 5 January, 1993

A foreign delegation comprising Dr. O.O. Olufajo, Institute of Agricultural Research, Ahman visited on 20 December, 1995

Smt. Aruna Sharma, Additional Secretary (Agriculture), Department of Agriculture, Government of MP visited on 05 February, 1996

Dr. V.L. Chopra, former Director General, ICAR & Secretary, DARE visited the Centre on 30 October, 1996

Dr. V.M. Bhan, Director NRCWS, showing Institute building model to Dr. G.B. Singh, Deputy Director General (NRM), ICAR on his visit on 11 February, 1998

Dr. J.S.P. Yadav, Former Chairman, ASRB visited the Institute on 15 February, 2001

Sh. Sompal Ji Hon’ble Member of Planning Commission visited on 21 March, 2002

Sh. Kantilal Bhhuria Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture, GOI visited on 05 October, 2004

Sh. J.L. Bose, Agriculture Production Commissioner, GOI visited on 23 February, 2005

Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Hon’ble Vice President, Govt. of India and Dr. Balram Jakhad, Governor, Madhya Pradesh released a book “Weed that heals” on 25 October, 2005

Dr. Balram Jakhar, Governor, Madhya Pradesh, Shri Kantilal Bhuria, Minister of State for Agriculture, GOI on the occasion of Parthenium Management Programme (06 September, 2006)

Shri Kanti Lal Bhuria, Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture, GOI visited on 13 June,2006

Sh. Rakesh Singh, Member of Parliament, Jabalpur visited on 29 September, 2007

Sh. Ishwardas Rohani, Hon’ble Speaker, M.P. Assembly on the occasion of Kisan Mela on 22 April, 2007

Dr. G.C. Shrivastva, Vice Chairman, CAT Madhya Pradesh visited on 06th September, 2007

Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG (NRM) visited and inaugurated the Information Centre of the Directorate on 2 February, 2008

Dr. M. Mahadevappa, Former Chairman, ASRB visited on 16 July, 2008

Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Member (Science), Planning Commission visited on 22 January, 2010

Dr. R.K. Kusmaria, Cabinet Minister for Agriculture, Govt. of M.P visited on 22 January, 2010

Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Member (Science), Planning Commission, Dr. A.K. Verma, Advisor, Planning Commission, Dr. S.D. Sadamate, in an Interface meeting between the Planning Commission and ICAR institutes of central Zone on 23 January, 2010

Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG (NRM) chaired the stackeholders meet on 23 January, 2012

Date of Visit

Dr. A.K. Sikka, DDG (NRM), ICAR inaugurated the compost unit on 22 April, 2014

Shri Prahlad Singh Patel Ji, Member of Parliament, Damoh and Ex-Union Minister of State, GOI visited on 16 May, 2016

Date of Visit

Dr. J.S. Samra, Former Deputy Director General (NRM) and Chief Executive Officer, National Rainfed Area Authority, Government of India, New Delhi visited on 28 January, 2017

Padma Bhushan Dr. R.B. Singh, Ex-Chairman, ASRB & President NAAS and Dr. Panjab Singh, Ex–Director General, ICAR, and Secretary, DARE visited on 08 February, 2017

Dr. S.K. Choudhary, ADG (SWM), ICAR on the occasion of workshop-cum-meeting on Weed management in conservation agriculture under CRP on CA on 11 November, 2018

Dr. S. Bhaskar, ADG (Agronomy, Agroforestry & Climate Change), ICAR, New Delhi visited the ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur (M.P.) On 18 October, 2021

Dr. Panjab Singh, Ex. Secretary, DARE, and Director General ICAR, Visited and inaugurated ‘Farmer’s Sabhagar’ at the Farm area of ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur (M.P.) on 29 December, 2021.

Dr. Suresh Kumar Chaudhari, Deputy Director General (Natural Resources Management), ICAR, New Delhi, Visited and inaugurated the newly-developed “Technology Park” and “Solar energy-based irrigation system” at Farm area of ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur (M.P.) on 07 March, 2022.

Sh. Rakesh Singh, Member of Parliament, Jabalpur visited the ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur (M.P.) on 17 October, 2022

Dr. R.S. Paroda, DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE)
(09 April, 2001)

Dr. Mangla Rai , DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE)
(18 February, 2006)

Dr. Mangla Rai, DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE)
(20 October, 2009)

Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE) (17 May, 2010)

Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE) (29 September, 2014)

Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE)
(08 February, 2017)

First QRT (1989-1994)
Chairman: Dr. R.P. Singh, Ex.-Director, CRIDA, Hyderabad; Members: Dr. H.K. Pande; Dr. Vikram Singh; Dr. S.K. Mukhopadhyay; Dr. R.K. Malik, and Dr. V.M. Bhan as Member secretary

Second QRT (1995-2000)
Chairman: S. Sankaran, Ex-V.C (TNAU) Members: Dr. O.P. Gupta; Dr. N.K. Jain; Dr. Gita Kulshrestha; Dr. R.C. Rajak and Dr. L.P. Kauraw as Member Secretary

Third QRT (2001-2006)
Chairman: Dr. G.B. Singh, former DDG (NRM) Members: Dr. David Sen; Dr. D.C. Uprety; Dr. R.J. Rabindra; Dr. Jamaluddin; Dr. P. Balakrishnamurthy and Dr. D. Subrahmanyam, Member Secretary

Fourth QRT (2006-2012)
Chairman: Dr. S.C. Modgal Members: Dr. B.C. Barah; Dr. M.K. Porwal; Dr. RJ Rabindra; Dr. BS Parmar and Dr. R.P. Dubey, Member Secretary

Fifth QRT (2012-2017)
Chaiman: Dr. A.K. Singh, Ex DDG (NRM) Members: Dr. R.P. Singh; Dr. R. Siddaramappa; Dr. R.D. Gautam; Dr. Madhuban Gopal; Dr. Parshuram Samal and Dr. R.P. Dubey, Member Secretary

RAC (1995-1998)
Dr. Ambika Singh
Member: Dr. O.P. Gupta, Dr. P.C. Bhatia, Dr. S.K. Mukhupadhyay, Dr. Y.P. Abrol, Dr. R.K. Malik
Non-Official Member: Sh. Surendra Kumar Singh and Sh. Pradeep Kumar
Member Secretary: Dr. V.M. Bhan

RAC (1999-2002)
Dr. S. Sankaran
Member: Dr. O.P. Gupta, Dr. C.M. Singh, Dr. R.K. Malik, Dr. P.C. Bhatia, Dr. L.S. Brara Dr. V.M. Bhan
Non-Official Member: Sh. Surendra Kumar Singh, Sh. Pradeep Kumar, Sh. Rajkumar and Sh. Keshori Mehoto
Member Secretary: Dr. V.N. Saraswat (1999-2000) and N.T. Yaduraju (2001-2002)

RAC (2003-2005)
Dr. J.S. Kolar
Member: Dr. V.M Bhan, Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Dr. N.T. Yaduraju, Dr. Gita Kulshreshtha, Dr. David N. Sen, Dr. R.E. Dhanraj
Non-Official Member: Shri Raj Kumar Prasad, Shri Kishori Lal Mahota, Shri Hamid Kazi and Shri Totaram
Member Secretary: Dr. B.T.S. Moorthy (2003) and Dr. A.K. Gogoi (2004-2005)

RAC (2006-2008)
Dr. Ambika Singh
Member: Dr. A.K. Gogoi, Dr. L.S. Brar, Dr. U.C. Sharma, Dr. K.C. Joshi, Dr. P.D. Sharma, Dr. G.L. Bansal, Dr. R.S. Singh, and Dr. J.G. Varshney
Non-Official Member: Sh. Hamid Kazi, Sh. Totaram
Member Secretary: Er. H.S. Bisen

RAC (2009-2011)
Dr. D.P. Singh
Member: Dr. J.C. Varshney, Dr. D.N. Singh, Dr. D.V. Singh, Dr. Madhuban Gopal, Dr. O.P. Singh, Dr. R.K. Malik, Dr. A.K. Gogoi, Dr. J.S. Dagar
Non-Official Member: Sh. Kunwar N. Singh
Member Secretary: Dr. K.K. Barman

RAC (2013-2015)
Dr. R.K. Malik
Member: Dr. R.S. Balyan, Dr. B.L. Jalali, Dr. P.S. Parmar, Dr. A.R. Sharma, Dr. B. Mohan Kumar and Dr. O.P. Singh
Member Secretary: Dr. V.P. Singh (2013 & 2014) and Dr. Shobha Sondhia (2015)

RAC (2016-2018)
Chairman :
Dr. D.M. Hegde
Member: Dr. Gita Kulshreshtha, Dr. S. Bhaskar, Dr. B.S. Bhumannanar, Dr. P.S. Birthal, Shri Ram Mudholkar, Dr. Sanjay Saha
Member Secretary: Dr. Bhumesh Kumar

RAC (2020-2022)
Chairman :
Dr. N. T. Yaduraju
Member: Dr. S. Bhaskar, Dr. A. Ramesh, Dr. P. Samal, Dr. T. V. Ramachandra Prasad, Dr. S. K. Jalali, Dr. Ajit Kumar
Member Secretary: Dr. Sushil Kumar

RAC (2023-2025)
Chairman :
Dr. Ajoy Kumar Gogoi
Member: Dr Rajbir Singh, Dr. C. Chinnusamy, Dr. AR Aneja, Dr. PS Badal, Dr. PJ Suresh and two progressive farmers Shri Kulkit Ramchandra and Sri Dhruv Kumar Nayak
Member Secretary: Dr. Shobha Sondhia


















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