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Born on 13th April 1960 at Galore, Hamirpur in Himachal Pradesh, Dr. A.R. Sharma completed his school education (1977) from the local Government Higher Secondary School, securing 5th rank in H.P. School Education Board. He obtained B.Sc. Agri. (1981) with a first position from HPKVV, Palampur; M.Sc. (1983) with a first rank in his batch from PAU, Ludhiana; and Ph.D. (1988) from IIT, Kharagpur. Dr. Sharma served as Scientist (1987-96) at CRRI, Cuttack; Agronomist at PAU, Ludhiana (1996-98), Senior Scientist (1998-2001) at CSWCRTI, Dehradun; and Principal Scientist (2001-2009) and Professor of Agronomy (2010-2012) at IARI, New Delhi. He joined as Director, Directorate of Weed Science Research, Jabalpur in March, 2012.

Dr. Sharma has made outstanding research contributions in the field of tillage and weed management, conservation agriculture and nutrient management. He has developed improved weed management technologies for improving productivity and input-use efficiency in different field crops. He has published more than 100 research articles including 40 articles in international journals, 30 review articles and book chapters, 20 popular articles, 7 books and manuals, and presented about 50 papers in seminars/symposia. He was conferred ICAR Jawaharlal Nehru Award (1989), KRIBHCO Award for Outstanding Research (1991), ISCA Pran Vohra Award (1994-95), CRRI Best Worker Award (1995), IARI Hooker Award (1997-98), and FAI Dhiru Morarji Memorial Awards (1990, 1994 and 2002). Dr. Sharma is recipient of the prestigious Fellowship of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2004), Indian Society of Agronomy (2009), and Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists (2010). He was Organizing Secretary, National Symposium on New Paradigms in Agronomic Research at NAU, Navsari (2008), and served as Editor, Indian Agronomy News and Member, Editorial Board of the Indian Journal of Agronomy for many years. During his tenure as Secretary (2007-08), he brought about several improvements in the functioning of the Indian Society of Agronomy.


Dr. A.R.G. Ranganatha did his B.Sc.(Ag.) from S.V. Ag. College, Tirupati, ANGRAU; M.Sc.(Ag.) and Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from UAS, Bangalore. He has over three decades of Oilseeds Research and Development experience. Major contributions are on Sesame, Niger and Sunflower, besides experience in all annual and tree oilseeds species. Developed half dozen new varieties/hybrids, which are released for cultivation to the farmers. Produced large quantities of breeder seed and other classes of seed and supplied to over 100, public, private, NGO and farmers. He has over 100 publications in National and International Journals including book chapters. He has wide experience both in public and private system. Worked in UAS, Bellary; ANGRAU, Nandyal; DOR, Hyderabad and presently working as Project Coordinator, Sesame and Niger at JNKVV Campus, Jabalpur (M.P.).


Dr. Jay G. Varshney started his career as a Lecturer at RBS College, Bichpuri (Agra). Later, he worked on different positions at IARI; ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Shillong; Directorate of Pulses Research, Gwalior; and Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur. Dr. Varshney has a rich experience of research, management and teaching during his long career spanning over more than 3 decades. He held various important positions like National Coordinator, All India Coordinated Research Project on prominent grain legume crops; Head, Division of Crop Production, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur; Founder Head, Regional Center of Directorate of Pulses Research, Gwalior. He was Director, National Research Centre for Weed Science (Directorate of Weed Science Research), Jabalpur from 2006 to 2011.

Dr. Varshney published more than 150 peer reviewed research papers in journals of national and international repute. His research focused on sustainability in pulse-based cropping systems, weed dynamics and management, and role of adjuvants in enhancing herbicide-use efficiency. He served as Editor, Indian Journal of Pulses Research, Kanpur; General Secretary of Indian Society of Pulses Research & Development; member of Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Agronomy; and General Secretary and President, Indian Society of Weed Science.


Dr. A.K. Gogoi obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. Agronomy degrees in 1976 and 1979 respectively from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat; and Ph.D. degree in 1986 from Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar. He served AAU, Jorhat in various capacities from 1979-2000, and was Principal Investigator, All India Coordinated Research Project on Weed Control from 1988–2000. He joined as Principal Scientist (Agronomy) at NRCWS, Jabalpur in 2000. He was acting Director, National Research Centre for Weed Science, Jabalpur during 2005-06. He occupied the coveted position of Assistant Director General (Agronomy), ICAR, New Delhi from 2006-2011.

Dr. Gogoi worked for more than 20 years on weed management in the NEH region and developed package of practices for major field crops. He was also involved in UG and PG teaching programmes at AAU, Jorhat. He has published 56 research papers, 9 books / chapters and attended 69 seminars / symposia. His major achievement is development of National Database on Weeds and preparation of weed map. He was conferred Fellowship of Indian Society of Weed Science in 2005.


Born on 19th February, 1952 in rural Karnataka, Dr. N.T. Yaduraju completed his B.Sc. Agri. (1973) securing 10th rank and M.Sc. (1975) securing 3rd rank from UAS, Bangalore. He was awarded Commonwealth Scholarship for his Ph.D. programme (1981-85) at Reading University, U.K. He underwent FAO training at the University of Massachusetts, USA in (1998).

Dr. Yaduraju served as Scientist S-1 (1976-82), Scientist S-2 (1982-85), Senior Scientist (1986-98) and Principal Scientist (1998-2000) at IARI, New Delhi. He served as Director, National Research Centre for Weed Science, Jabalpur from 2000-2005. After completing his tenure, he joined back as Principal Scientist at IARI, New Delhi, and thereafter served as National Coordinator, NAIP at the ICAR Headquarters. He has a large number of publications to his credit: (i) research papers (110), review papers/book chapters (30), technical papers (10) and books/manuals (10). He visited a number of foreign countries including UK, Portugal, USA, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Dr. Yaduraju has guided 12 PG students, 2 for M.Sc. and 10 for Ph.D. degree. He was awarded Best Teacher Award of IARI (1997), Fellow (2000) and Gold Medal (2004) of Indian Society of Weed Science.


Born on 5th July, 1940, Dr. V.N. Saraswat received his Ph.D. degree from University of Calcutta in 1975. He served as Senior Research Assistant (Agronomy) at the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Trivendrum; Assistant Agronomist (1971-74), Scientist S-1 (1975-76), Scientist S-2 (1976-1983) and Scientist S-3 (1983-84) at Jute Agricultural Research Institute, Barrackpur. He was appointed Project Coordinator, All India Coordinated Research Project on Weed Control and posted at the Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack in 1984, and later shifted to the National Research Centre for Weed Science in 1989. Subsequently, he worked as Principal Scientist at the Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres from 1993 to 1999. He was appointed Director, National Research Centre for Weed Science on 12.7.1999 and served till his retirement on 31.7.2000. Dr. Saraswat made notable research contributions in weed management in jute and several field crops. He was awarded ‘Crop Research Award’ by the Gaurav Society of Agricultural Research, Hisar in 1997.



Dr. Vishnu Mohan Bhan obtained M.Sc. (Agri.) from Agra University, and Ph.D. from IIT, Kharagpur in 1965. He was appointed Asstt. Prof. in Agronomy in 1966, Assoc. Prof. in 1971 at GBPUAT, Pantnagar; first Professor of Weed Science in the country in 1979 at HAU, Hisar. He was founder Director of National Research Centre for Weed Science, Jabalpur and served from 1989 to 1998.

Dr. Bhan was actively involved in teaching, research and extension activities in weed science. He guided 7 Ph.D. and nearly 35 M.Sc. students in weed science, and developed course structure on weed science. He worked on various aspects of weeds like biology, ecology, physiological aspects, resistance to herbicides, and weeds management in field crops, vegetables, fruit crops, aquatic and parasitic weeds, fertility and irrigation management, and adaptive research on farmers’ field. He along with his students and fellow scientists published nearly 350 research papers and a book on weed control. Dr. Bhan helped weeds to be included in plant quarantine system. He visited UK as Visiting Scientist at WRO, Oxford; University of Illinois, USA; UNIDO Consultant in South Korea, and delivered lectures in Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Philippines, Bangkok and Tokyo.

Dr Bhan was recipient of Rajendra Prasad Puruskar by ICAR for writing text book on weed control in Hindi in 1978. He was awarded Fellow of the Indian Society of Agronomy and Indian Society of Weed Science. He was also conferred Outstanding Achievement Award by the International Weed Science Society (1995); and Gold Medal and Life Time Achievements Award of ISWS (2007-08).

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