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Honours/Awards and Recognitions


    • The ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur received first prize from Nagar Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti (NARAKAS), Office No. 2 for commendable work in the field of use and dissemination of the official language Hindi during the year 2022 on 29 December, 2023.
    • Dr. R.P. Dubey and Dr. J.S. Mishra received the ‘Best Oral Presentation Award’ on "Weed management in millets for avoiding abiotic stresses and enhancing productivity" in the "National Seminar on Abiotic Stress Management for Sustainable Millet based Production Systems" held during 22-23 August, 2023 at NIASM, Baramati, Maharashtra.
    • Dr. V.K. Choudhary received the ‘Best poster award’ for the “Weed control treatments and straw mulches affect weeds and yield of chickpea” by Muni Pratap Sahu, Mewa Lal Kewat, A.K. Jha, Shobha Sondhiya and V.K. Choudhary, during XXII Biennial National Symposium “Climate-smart agronomy for resilient production systems and livelihood security” 22-24 November 2023 at ICAR-CCARI, Goa.
    • Dr. V. K. Choudhary received the ‘Best poster award’ for the “Topramezone (HPPD-inhibiting herbicide) for effective broad leaf weed control in chickpea” by V.K. Choudhary, R.P. Dubey and J.S. Mishra at International Conference on Pulses: Smart Crops for Agricultural Sustainability and Nutritional Security” held at ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur during 10-12 February 2023.
    • Dr. P. K. Mukherjee bestowed with “Outstanding Scientist Award-2023” conferred by Society for Biotic & Environmental Research (SBER) during the 3rd ‘Biotic Science Congress (BioSCon, 23)’ and International Conference on "Advancement in Plant Health Research- Retrospect & Prospect" held at VISVA BHARATI, Bolpur, West Bengal, during 7th– 8th November, 2023.
    • Dr. Himanshu Mahawar received the 'Young Scientist Award' in the 64th Annual International conference of the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), during December 1-3, 2023 organized at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh.
    • Dr. Himanshu Mahawar was appointed as 'Question paper setter' for B.Sc. (Honors) Agriculture (Agricultural Microbiology) courses of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar.
    • Dr. Himanshu Mahawar acted as 'Reviewer' for peer reviewed journal ‘Indian Phytopathology’.
    • On the occasion of ‘35th Foundation Day’ of ICARDWR, Jabalpur on 22nd April, 2023, ‘Best Worker Awards’ were conferred for the year 2022-23 based on the outstanding contributions made by the staff members in different categories: Dr. Dasari Sreekanth, Scientist (Scientific category); Sh. Basant Mishra, Senior Technical Officer (Technical category); Sh. M.K. Meena, Senior Technical Officer (Technical category); and Sh. Sant Lal, Supporting Skilled Staff (Skilled supporting staff category).
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde was invited to deliver Expert lecture in National Seminar organized on the occasion of ‘National Mathematics Day’ by Gyan Ganga College of Excellence, Jabalpur on 28 Dec, 2023.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde was appointed as ‘reviewer’ for International/peer reviewed journals viz. Communication in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Phytoparasitica, International Journal of Plant & Soil Science and Indian Journal of Weed Science.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde was appointed as an ‘external examiner’ to evaluate the M.Sc. Agricultural Statistics thesis from Anand Agricultural University, Anand and Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Raipur.
    • Dr. Archana Anokhe appointed as an associate editor for ‘the Indian Journal of Entomology’ and ‘Indian Entomologist magazine’.
    • Dr. Archana Anokhe appointed as a member editor for “agricultural research communication centre’ journal.
    • Dr. Archana Anokhe appointed as a reviewer for the ‘Journal of Experimental Agricultural International’.
    • Dr. Archana Anokhe appointed as a Subject specialist editor on ‘Agricose-e- magazine’.
    • Dr. Dasari Sreekanth, was appointed as an 'external examiner' to evaluate the M.Sc., Plant Physiology thesis from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. Dasari Sreekanth acted as 'Reviewer' for International/peer-reviewed Journals viz. Crop Protection, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants and Indian Journal of Weed Science.
    • Dr. Dasari Sreekanth was appointed as a 'Question Paper Setter' for PG and Ph.D., Plant Physiology courses at Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. Deepak Pawar acted as 'Reviewer' for International/peer-reviewed Journals viz. 3 Biotech, Food and Scientific Reports.
    • Dr. Deepak Pawar was appointed as an 'External Examiner' to evaluate the M.Sc., Agricultural Biotechnology thesis from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. Deepak Pawar was appointed as an 'External Examiner' to evaluate the answer copies of Comprehensive examination of M.Sc., Agricultural Biotechnology at Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur.


    • Dr. Pijush Kanti Mukherjee was honored with the ‘Outstanding Achievement Award-2021’ recognizing his contributions in the field of Agronomy during the International Conference on “Recent Advances for Managing Sustainable Soil Health and Crop Production” organized by GKV Society, Agra during 18-20 February, 2022.
    • Received Best Poster Award on “In vitro assessment of fungicides against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi causing Fusarium wilt of pea” authored by Lokesh Kumar Pancholi, Pramod Kumar Gupta and Yogita Gharde in IPSCONF 2022 held at SKNAU, Jobner-Jaipur, Rajasthan, India during 8th International Conference on Plant Pathology: Retrospect and Prospects during March 23-26, 2022.
    • Dr. Deepak Vishwanath Pawar received ‘Innovative Biotechnologist’ Award of the Indian Society of Genetics, Biotechnology Research and Development, U.P. on the occasion of World Bio-Sciences Congress 2022 during April 14-17, 2022.
    • Dr. Pawar Deepak Vishwanath received the ‘Young Scientist Award’ of the Indian Society of Genetics, Biotechnology Research and Development, U.P. on the occasion of World Bio-Sciences Congress 2022 during April 14-17, 2022.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde, Senior Scientist awarded the ‘Best Worker Award’ under the scientific category on the occasion of 34th Foundation Day of the Directorate on 22 April, 2022.
    • Satya Prakash Kumar, V.K.Tewari, Prakash Chandra Jena, Brajesh Nare, Chethan, C.R., Bikram Jyoti and Subhish, A. received first prize in Oral Presentation for presentation on “Fuzzy logic adarith antar avon antar pankti nidai yantra ka nirman” authored by in Rashtriya Adiveshan (National Convention) on “Katrim Buddimatha evam internet of things ka krishi abhiyantriki me yogdaan” during 26-27 May, 2022 at ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal.
    • Dr. J.S. Mishra received prestigious Fellowship from the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi for his significant contribution to research on Conservation Agriculture and Weed Management during the 29th Annual General Body Meeting of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences on 05 June, 2022.
    • ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur received prestigious the Rajarshi Tandon Rajbhasha Award 2020-21 and Ganesh Shanker Vidhyarthi Hindi Magazine Award for the year 2021 on the occasion of ICAR’s 94th Foundation Day and Awards Ceremony-2022 held at National Agricultural Science Centre Complex, New Delhi on 16 July, 2022.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde received the Dr. V.P. Tyagi Memorial Award-2022 for her outstanding contribution and recognition in the field of ‘Agricultural Statistics’ on the occasion of 4th International Conference on “Global Efforts on Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Food Security (Theme: Climate Change and Its Impact) (GAFEF-2022)” at Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara, Campus Pokhara, Nepal during September 17-19, 2022.
    • Best Paper Presentation Award for oral presentation on “Impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on crop-weed interaction, physiological, biochemical traits and yield attributes of greengram” authored by Dasari Sreekanth, Deepak Pawar Vishwanath, Ankita Kumari, Chethan C.R., Shobha Sondhia and P.K. Singh in the International Conference on “Recent Advances in Research and Innovations in Life Sciences” held at Mata Guruji Mahila Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous), Jabalpur, in collaboration with RDVV, Jabalpur; NASI, Bhopal during 17-19 November 2022.
    • Dr. J.S. Mishra and Dr. V.K. Choudhary bestowed with Sri Ram Puraskar of the Fertilizer Association of India on 07 December, 2022.
    • ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur was awarded the appreciation letter by Nagar Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti (NARAKAS) Zone No. 2, Jabalpur on 16 December, 2022 for official work in Rajbhasha and its canvassing and dissemination.
    • Dr. Pijush Kanti Mukherjee bestowed with ISWS-Fellow Award at 3rd International Weed Conference held at Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India during 20-23 December, 2022.
    • Er. Chethan C.R. received ISWS Dr. T.V. Muniyappa Young Weed Scientist Award at the 3rd International Weed Conference held at Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India during 20-23 December, 2022.
    • Dr. V.K. Choudhary received Best Poster Award at 3rd International Weed Conference held at Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India during 20-23 December, 2022.
    • Dr. Himanshu Mahawar received Best Poster Award at 3rd International Weed Conference held at Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India during 20-23 December, 2022.


    • On the occasion of 33rd Foundation Day of ICAR-DWR on 22 April,2021, Best Worker Award for 2020-21 was conferred upon Dr. Shobha Sondhia, Pr. Scientist; Dr. VK Choudhary, Sr. Scientist and Er. Chethan CR, Scientist in the Scientific category; Sh. RS Upadhyay, Chief Technical Officer; Sh. Sandeep Dhagat, Chief Technical Officer and Sh. GR Dongre, Asst. Chief Technical Officer in Technical category; Sh. Sujeet Kumar Verma, Administrative Officer and Sh. R Hadge, Asst. Administrative Officer in Administrative category; and Sh. Veer Singh and Sh. Mohan Dubey in Skilled Supporting Staff category.
    • Dr. PK Singh, Pr. Scientist; Dr. KK Barman, Pr. Scientist; Sh. Dilip Sahu, Sr. Technical Assistant (Driver); Sh. Bhagunte Prasad, Sr. Technical Assistant (Driver); Sh. Manoj Gupta, Personal Assistant; Sh. BP Uriya, Assistant; Sh. Naresh Singh Rajput, SSS; and Sh. Chhotelal Yadav, SSS were felicitated on the occasion of 33rd Foundation Day of Directorate to recognize their more than 25 years of dedicated services on 22 April,2021.
    • Dr. Deepak Vishwanath Pawar, Scientist was appointed as a member of Editorial Board of the 'Food and Scientific Reports', a monthly multi-disciplinary technical e-magazine (ISNN 2582-5437).
    • The ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur bagged 2nd prize in the exhibition during the 5th International Agronomy Congress held during 23-27 November, at PJTSAU, Hyderabad. Mr. Sandeep Dhagat, Chief Technical Officer, Mr. S.K. Parey, Asst. Chief Technical Officer, along with a team of scientists (Dr. VK Choudhary and Dr. Sushil Kumar) demonstrated the technologies, achievements and publications of the Directorate on various aspects of weed management in crops, cropping systems, aquatic environment and non-crop situations during the exhibition, which was visited and appreciated by large number of participants including scientists, students and farmers.
    • Dr. V.K. Choudhary, Sr. Scientist (Agronomy),ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur was honoured with ISA Associate Award of the Indian Society of Agronomy during the 5th International Agronomy Congress held during 23-27 November, at PJTSAU, Hyderabad for his significant contribution in the field of Agronomy research.
    • Dr. J.S. Mishra, Director, ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur was honoured by thethe Indian Society of Agronomy during the 5th International Agronomy Congress held during 23-27 November, at PJTSAU, Hyderabad for his significant contribution in the field of Agronomy research.
    • ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur bagged 1st prize by NARAKAS Zone-2 Jabalpur on 23 December, 2021


    • Dr. Dibakar Ghosh received “ISWS Young Scientist Award” in Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) Biennial Conference on “Weed Management for Enhancing Farmer income and Food Security” held at ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa, 5-7 February, 2020.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to deliver a lead presentation in Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) Biennial Conference on “Weed management for enhancing farmers' income and food security” 5-7 February 2020 at ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa.
    • Dr. Shobha Sondhia was invited to deliver a lead presentation in Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) Biennial Conference on “Weed management for enhancing farmers' income and food security” 5-7 February 2020 at ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa.
    • Dr. V. K. Choudhary was invited to deliver a lead presentation in Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) Biennial Conference on “Weed management for enhancing farmers' income and food security” 5-7 February 2020 at ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa.
    • Dr. Himanshu Mahawar was awarded ‘Gold Medal for the Best Ph.D. Student’ in 58 Convocation of ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi on February 14, 2020.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited as an expert and to Co-chair a Technical Session in XXVII Annual Review Meeting of AICRP-Weed Management on 9 June 2020 organised by Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. R. P. Dubey was invited to deliver a lecture in the "National Webinar on Organic Farming" during 16-20 June 2020 organized by College of Agriculture, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Balaghat (MP).
    • Dr. P. K. Mukherjee was awarded with 'Excellence in Research' award in “International Webinar on Urban & Peri-Urban Agriculture for Livelihood” organized by Dr. Ram Avatar Shiksha Samiti (DRASS) during 29-30 July, 2020.Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to deliver a lecture in virtual training entitled “Innovations in Weed Management in Context of Changing Agrarian Landscape” organized by Division of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST Kashmir during 6-12 August, 2020.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to deliver a lecture in online International Training Course “Perspectives of Present and Future Weed Research under Climate Smart Agriculture” Organized by Center for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology (CAAST) for Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Management (CSAWM), 17-20 August, 2020 Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri.
    • Dr. P. K. Mukherjee was awarded with 'Best Scientist' award by Education Expo TV (EET CRS) Research for Excellence in Professional Education & Industry on 06 September, 2020.
    • Dr. P. K. Mukherjee received 'Eminent Scientist Award' in “National Webinar on Farm, Food & Farmer” organized by Samagra Vikas Welfare Society (SVWS) during 24-25 September 2020.
    • Dr. Shobha Sondhia was invited to give a lead talk in Webinar on “Late Professor Anjan Bhattacharyya Memorial lecture” organized by Crop and Weed Science Society (CWSS), Kalyani on 01.10.2020.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited by Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education as an expert for online Research Advisory Group (RAG) meetings at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur held on 13th October, 2020.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to present a lead talk in Webinar for 'Stakeholders Dialogue on Strategies for Safe and Sustainable Weed Management: A Way Forward' on 09 December, 2020 organized by Agricultural Sciences (TAAS), New Delhi; DWR, Jabalpur; Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) and ICAR.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde acted as reviewer for International /peer reviewed Journals viz. The Canadian Entomologist and Weed Biology and Management.
    • Dr. Pawar Deepak acted as Reviewer for peer reviewed Journals viz. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology and 3 Biotech.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was appointed as an external examiner to evaluate four M.Sc. (Entomology) thesis from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.)
    • Dr. Dasari Sreekanth was appointed as an Associate Editor of e-magazine “Food Scientific Reports” in area of Basic Sciences.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde was appointed as an external examiner to evaluate the M.Sc. (Agricultural Statistics) thesis from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.) and Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.).
    • Dr. Pawar Deepak was appointed as an external examiner to evaluate the M.Sc. (Agricultural Biotechnology) thesis from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.).
    • Dr. Dasari Sreekanth was appointed as an external examiner to evaluate the M.Sc. (Plant Physiology) thesis from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.).


    • Dr. Sushil kumar was invited as Keynote speaker in workshop on “Protecting food Security in South-East Asian Countries by developing early warning and ready response system for invasive weed incursions, organized by National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad, India with Sterling University, Scotland (UK), 9-10 April 2019.
    • Shri Sandeep Dhagat, Shri V.K.S. Meshram and Shri Prem Lal Dahiya in technical officer category; Shri R. Hadge and Shri T. Lakhera in Administrative Officer category; Shri Jagat Singh and Shri Anil Sharma in skilled supporting staff category were awarded for their valuable contribution for serving ICAR more than 25 years on the occasion of 31st Foundation day of ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur celebrated on 22nd April, 2019.
    • Shri Veer Singh and Shri Nemi Chand Kurmi were awarded for their outstanding performance in the field of sports on the occasion of 31st Foundation day of ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur, celebrated on 22nd April, 2019.
    • Er. Chethan C.R. was awarded “Honorable Jury Mention Certificate” under “Young Scientist” category in 8th Science and Technology Awards-19, Bengaluru, by Education Expo TV on 9 June, 2019.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to present a lead lecture in International Conference on ‘Plant Protection in Horticulture- Advances and Challenges” (ICPPH2019), held at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, India during 24-27 July 2019.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited as a lead speaker in the workshop on ‘Enhancing Resilience and Productivity of Rice Based System through Precision Agronomy, Machine Learning and ICT Based Tools, organized by South Asia International Rice Research Institute, New Delhi, India in Chandigarh, Punjab, India, 26 August 2019.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to act as a Chairman in technical session in 27th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference on “Weed Science for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment” held during 03-06 September, 2019 at Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to present a lead talk in 27th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference on “Weed Science for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment” 03-06 September, 2019, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    • Dr. Shobha Sondhia was invited to Chair a technical session and act as judge for ‘Young Scientist Award’ in the International Seminar on Agriskills for Convergence in Research, Industry and Livelihood at BCKV, Kalyani, West Bengal 28 November- 01 December 2019.
    • Dr. Shobha Sondhia was invited as ‘Subject Expert’ to evaluate Ph.D. thesis from Dept of Chemistry, University of Madras, Chennai in the year 2019.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde was invited by JNKVV, Jabalpur to act as Judge for evaluation of Poster Competition on the theme ‘Climate change in Prospective of Agriculture’ organized on 30 September, 2019 on the occasion of JNKVV Foundation Day.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde received ‘Young Statistical Scientist Award (Statistics in Practice) by IISA during INDSTATS 2019 Conference during 27-30 December, 2019 at IIT, Bombay, Mumbai, India.
    • Dr. V.K. Choudhary received “Outstanding Scientist Award” for the contribution in the field of Conservation agriculture and Weed Management during the 3rd National Conference organized by Green Agri Professional Society during 24-25 December 2019 held at Dhanbad, Jharkhand.
    • Dr. Dibakar Ghosh received “CWSS Young Scientist Award 2020” for the contribution in the field of Weed Research during International Seminar at BCKV, Kalyani, West Bengal from 28 November to 01 December, 2019.
    • Dr. Dibakar Ghosh won best athelete, Gold Medal (discuss-throw and shot-put) and Bronze Medal (high jump) during annual sports meet of ICAR- Central Zone held at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur during 08-10th Nov.2019.
    • Sh. Veer Singh, Shri Suresh Rajak and Shri Mohan Lal Dubey won Gold Medal (carom), Silver Medal (Cycling) and Bronze Medal (800 m race) respectively during annual sports meet of ICAR- Central Zone held at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur during 08-10th Nov.2019.
    • Sh. Nemi Chand Kurmi won Gold Medal (400 m race) and Bronze Medal (200 m race and long jump) during annual sports meet of ICAR- Central Zone held at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur during 08-10th Nov.2019.
    • Er. Chethan C.R. was appointed as “Member” for Technology release committee, College of Agricultural Engineering, JNKVV, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited to act as a member of Editorial Board of the International Journal “Weeds - Journal of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society” for the year 2019 , published from Australia.


    • On the occasion of 29 Foundation Day of ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur celebrated on 22 April, 2017 recognized the valuable contribution of Mr. M.K. Bhatt, Mr. O.N. Tiwari and Mr. M.P. Tiwari for serving the ICAR more than 25 years.
    • Dr. Dibakar Ghosh secured first position in discus throw-men and third position in shot put throw-men events at the annual sports meet of ICAR- Central Zone held at ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal during 10-13 November, 2017. In this sports meet Shri Veer Singh and Sh. S.K. Bose secured first and second position in carom-men event, respectively.
    • Dr. R.P. Dubeywas invited as an external subject matter expert of Agronomy for the selection of Assistant Professor and SMS, KVK during 17-18 June, 2017 at JNKVV, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. R.P. Dubey was invited to judge the research papers in agricultural theme during 33 MP Young Scientist Congress held on 15-16 March, 2018 at RDVV, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. R.P. Dubey evaluated 03 numbers of MSc (Ag) thesis of JNKVV.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde, included in the Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Weed Science as member.
    • Dr Shobha Sondhia was invited by JNKVV Jabalpur to act as Judge for evaluation of best teacher award 2018.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Principal Scientist was invited as a lead speaker on “Biological control of weeds in India: current scenario and prospects' during 105 session of the Indian Science Congress Association held at the Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur from 16-20 March 2018.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Principal Scientist was invited to deliver a Guest lecture in workshop on 'Weed risk assessment' scheduled on 30-31 August] 2017 at National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, was invited to deliver a Guest Lecture on 'Parthenium Management' at JNKVV University, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) on 25 July, 2017 for awareness and motivate students and staff.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, was invited to deliver a Guest Partheium hysterophorus'Lecture on 'Biological Control of at AKS University, Satna (Madhya Pradesh) on 26 August, 2017.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar was invited by the Collector of Jind to deliver a Guest lecture on 'Biological control of water hyacinth' during 11-12 September, 2017.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, was invited to Chair the Technical session in the National Seminar on 'Crop Protection : Current trend and perspectives' held during 16-18 November, 2017 at Medziphema, Nagaland University.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, was invited to deliver the Guest lecture in National Seminar on 'Crop Protection : Current trend and perspectives' held during 16-18 November, 2017 at Medziphema, Nagaland University.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Principal Scientist, was given responsibility by Executive Committee of Indian Society of Weed Science to organize 'ISWS Golden Jubilee International Conference' to be held during 21- 24 November, 2018 at ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur.


    • On the occasion of 28th Foundation Day of ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur, Best Worker Awards were conferred for 2015-16 based on the outstanding contributions made by the staff members in different categories: Dr. Bhumesh Kumar, Sr. Scientist (Scientific category); Shri Pankaj Shukla, Technical Officer (Technical category); Shri Takeshwar Lakhera, Assistant (Administrative category) and Shri Mohanlal Dubey (Skilled supporting staff category).
    • Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, ICAR-DWR has been awarded Gold Medal for his contribution in the subject of sustainable crop production in the 4th International Agronomy Congress (22-26 November, 2016) organized by Indian Society of Agronomy, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
    • Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur received special recognition award from Crop and Weed Science Society, BCKVV, Mohanpur, West Bengal on 21 January, 2017.
    • Mr. Anoop Kumar Rathore, Dr. A.R. Sharma, Ku. Rituja Jain and Dr. M.C. Bhambri received 'Best Poster Award' for the article 'Nitrogen and weed management effects on weed growth and rice productivity under conservation agriculture in rice-wheat-greengram cropping system' during ISWS Biennial Conference at MPUAT, Udaipur during1-3March2017.
    • Mr. Shyam Lal andMiss. Tarun Suryavanshi, IGKVV, Raipur,Mr. Saurabh Pagare, RDVV, Jabalpur andMr. Subhash Kumar Mishra, MGCGV, Chitrakoot has been awarded ISWS Student Travel Grant Award, during ISWS Biennial Conference at MPUAT, Udaipurduring 1-3March 2017.
    • Mr. G.R. Dongre has been awarded second prize for the presentation on 'E-Waste Management & Challenges' in the Training Seminar at NAARM Hyderabadduring 30Nov. to 9December, 2016.


    • On the occasion of 28th Foundation Day of ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur, Best Worker Awards were conferred for 2015-16 based on the outstanding contributions made by the staff members in different categories: Dr. Bhumesh Kumar, Sr. Scientist (Scientific category); Shri Pankaj Shukla, Technical Officer (Technical category); Shri Takeshwar Lakhera, Assistant (Administrative category) and Shri Mohanlal Dubey (Skilled supporting staff category).
    • Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, ICAR-DWR has been awarded Gold Medal for his contribution in the subject of sustainable crop production in the 4th International Agronomy Congress (22-26 November, 2016) organized by Indian Society of Agronomy, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.


    • On the occasion of 27th Foundation Day of ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur, ‘Best Worker Awards (2014-15)’ in the category of scientists, technical officers, administrative staff and skilled supporting staff and were conferred upon Dr. Shobha Sondhia, Shri Mukesh Meena, Shri Manoj Gupta and Shri Madan Sharma respectively by certificate and memento.
    • Mr. Bhagwante Prasad, Tractor Driver, was awarded cash of Rs 10,000/- by Director.
    • Mr. Basant Mishra was awarded for excellence in wild life conservation on 6 October 2015, during wild life conservation week by the Principal Secretary Forest Sh. Deepak Khandeker, Madhya Pradesh Government.
    • Dr. Meenal Rathore received the best poster award during 25th APWSS Conference held during 13-16th October at PJTSAU, Hyderabad
    • Dr. Meenal Rathore was granted sponsorship by University of Western Australia to attend 25th APWSS Conference during 13-16th October at PJTSAU, Hyderabad
    • Tarun Suryavanshi, ML Kewat, Shyam Lal and Harisankar received ‘Best Poster Award’ for ‘Effect of post emergence application of Propaquizafop and Imazathapy mixture on growth, yield and economics of black gram’ during 25th APWSS conference, Hyderabad.
    • K. Parsate, M. Rathore, P.P Choudhary, R. Singh, S. Pagare, D. Jaggi, M. Varun, N. Tripathi, S. Chander, C. Sarathambal and Dr. Bhumesh Kumar received ‘Best Poster Award’ for ‘Crop-weed dynamics and weed management under the regime of climate change’ during 25th APWSS conference, Hyderabad.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde received SP Dhall Distinguished Publication Awards in Statistics – 2015 from Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA), Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
    • Dr. Yogita Gharde was recognized as honorary board member by Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA), Solan, Himachal Pradesh.


    • Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, DWR received Award of Honour from Mr. J.C. Rana, Director of Agriculture, Himachal Pradesh at the Alumni Meet of CSK HPKVV, Palampur on 22 November, 2014
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Principal Scientist (Entomology) was awarded Dr. Anand Prakash Award 2012 for his outstanding work on biological control of weeds by Applied Zoologists Research Association (AZRA), Cuttack during AZRA International Conference on “Probing Biosciences for Food Security and Environmental Safety” on 16-18 February, 2014 at CRRI, Cuttack.
    • Dr. Anil Dixit, Principal Scientist (Agronomy) received the ISWS Fellow - 2013 at the Biennial Conference of ISWS held during 15-17 February, 2014 at DWSR, Jabalpur.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Mr. Sandeep Dhagat, Smt. Nidhi Sharma and Sh. Shankar Lal Kosshta obtained Best Worker Award (2013-14) on 26th Foundation Day, held on 22 April 2014 at DWSR.
    • Crystal National Agri Award, 2014 was conferred to Dr. Sushil Kumar, Principal Scientist (Entomology) under the research Scientist category for his outstanding work on Parthenium Management by Krishi Anusandhan & Kisan Vikas Foundation, New Delhi on 27 August,2014. The Award was given by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Hon’ble Agriculture Minister, Government of India and Shri Nitin Gadkari, Hon’ble Minister of Transport & Rural Development, Government of India.


    • Dr. Chandra Bhanu and Dr. V.S.G.R. Naidu have been selected for ICAR Dr. Rajendra Prasad Puraskar 2013 for their Hindi book on “Oushdhiya Kharpatwar” on 16 July,2013.
    • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Principal Scientist (Entomology) was awarded the prestigious ‘Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Outstanding Extension Scientist Award 2011’ on the 84th Foundation Day of ICAR. Dr. Sushilkumar carried out research and extension work in the field of biological control of Parthenium. He developed cost effective and sustainable techniques for the mass multiplication of bioagent Zygogramma bicolorata and distributed the live-bioagent throughout the country. The biological control helped in suppression of Parthenium and helped other vegetation to restore in the large area on sustainable basis.
    • Dr. P.K. Singh, Dr. Sushilkumar, Dr. R.P. Dubey, Dr. P.J. Khankhane, Dr. Shobha Sondhia, Dr. Bhumesh Kumar, Dr. M.S. Raghuvanshi, Mr. Sandeep Dhagat, Mr. S.K Bose, Sh. Bhagunte Prasad and Sh. Veer Singh obtained Awards of Appreciation during Silver Jubilee Foundation Day held on 22 April 2013 at DWSR.


    • Dr. P.P. Choudhury, Senior Scientist (Organic Chemistry) received ‘Third Best Poster Presentation Award’ during the Biennial Conference of ISWS held during April 19-20, 2012 at KAU, Thrissur.
    • Dr. Meenal Rathore, Senior Scientist (Biotechnology) received 2nd Best Poster Award under the theme ‘Management of biotic stress’ at the ARRW Golden Jubilee International Symposium held on 2-5 March, 2013 at CRRI, Cuttack.
    • Dr. P.P. Choudhury, Senior Scientist (Organic Chemistry) received ‘Best Trainee Award’ in the ICAR sponsored short course on Application of nanotechnology in soil science and plant nutrition research held at IISS Bhopal from 18-27 September, 2012
    • Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, DWSR was awarded Fellow (2009) of the Indian Society of Agronomy during the Third International Agronomy Congress held at New Delhi from 26-30 November, 2012.
    • Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director was awarded Fellow (2010), Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists during the National Conference (LESCRA-2013) held at OUAT, Bhubaneshwar from 4-6 April, 2012.
    • Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director received the ‘Award of Honour’ for his outstanding contributions to agricultural research and development at the Golden Jubilee Alumni Meet of the PAU, Ludhiana from 20-21 December, 2012
    • DWSR, Jabalpur has been awarded Best Stall prize during the Third International Agronomy Congress held at IARI, New Delhi from 26-30 November, 2012
    • Dr. Sushilkumar, Principal Scientist, Received ‘Late Shri P.P. Singhal Award’ by Plant Protection Science Society at ICAR Research Complex, Goa, 2012
    • Dr. V.S.G.R. Naidu, Dr. P.K. Singh, Dr. A. Dixit and Dr. A.R.G. Ranganatha were conferred the ‘Best Poster Presentation Award’ on the occasion of the International Conference on ‘Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Public Leadership’ held during 7-9 February, 2012 at the National Agricultural Science Centre, New Delhi.
    • Dr. R. P. Dubey, Sr. Scientist, DWSR, Jabalpur was honoured with ISWS fellow award.


    • Dr. Sushilkumar, Principal Scientist of the Directorate won the prestigious ‘Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Outstanding Extension Scientist Award 2011’ on the 84th Foundation Day of ICAR.  
    • Dr. Anil Dixit, Principal Scientist, Agronomy has been awarded  prestigious CWSS Fellowship for the year 2011 by Crop and Weed Science Society, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal. He has been conferred this award during the Society’s international symposium on “System intensification towards food and environmental security” held on Feb. 24-27, 2011 at Kalyani, WB for his outstanding contribution in weed science research at national arena.


    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney was awarded Late Shri P.P. Singhal Memorial Award by Society of Plant Protection Sciences, New Delhi for outstanding contribution in weed science the 8th National symposium on problems and prospectus Eco-friendly Innovatives to Plant Protection during Jan. 24-25, 2010.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR, Jabalpur was awarded ‘Gold Medal’ for outstanding contribution in the field of Weed Science by Indian Society of Weed Science in its Biennial conference held at Raipur during 25-26 Feb. 2010.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney and Dr Shobha Sondhia were awarded  ‘Best Book Award’ (in English) for ‘HERBICIDES’  by Indian Society of Weed Science in its Biennial conference held at Raipur during 25-26 Feb. 2010.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney and Dr R.L. Arya were awarded  ‘Best Book Award’ (in Hindi) for ‘Kharpatwar Niyantran’  by Indian Society of Weed Science in its Biennial conference held at Raipur during 25-26 Feb. 2010.
    • Dr. V.P. Singh, Pr. Scientist, DWSR, Jabalpur was awarded ‘ISWS Fellowship’ by Indian Society of Weed Science in its Biennial conference held at Raipur during 25-26 Feb. 2010.
    • Dr Shobha Sondhia, Sr. Scientist, DWSR, Jabalpur was awarded ‘ISWS Fellowship’ by Indian Society of Weed Science in its Biennial conference held at Raipur during 25-26 Feb. 2010.


    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR, Jabalpur was reelected as President of Indian Society of Weed Science unanimously for 2009-12.
    • NRCWS, Jabalpur has been upgraded to the status of Directorate of Weed Science Research (DWSR) w.e.f. January, 2009.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR, Jabalpur also been appointed as Secretary member, Reviewed Committee on Genetic Manipulation, DBT, Govt. of India
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR, Jabalpur was reelected as President of Indian Society of Weed Science unanimously for 2008-09.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR, Jabalpur was nominated as Member, Core group of Experts, National Integrated Bio-security System, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India
    • Dr. Anil Dixit, Sr. Scientist - Best oral presentation and research paper award on “Effect of globalization in Indian agriculture”, in a seminar organized by Govt. Arts College, Panagar, RDVV, Jabalpur, sponsored by UGC Govt. of India, 17-19th, January, 2009.
    • Dr. P.K. Singh, Sr. Scientist-Best Extension Professional award by the Society of Extension Education, Agra during the fifth Extension Education congress held at CSAU&T, Kanpur from 05-07 march, 2009


    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR, Jabalpur was nominated as Member of the Policy Planning Committee on Science & Technology,  Govt. of Chattisgarh, Raipur
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney Director was nominated as National Coordinator for the project "National Invasive Weed Surveillance (NIWS) programme for the states by DAC, GOI in 2008 for leading the programme in 10 states at district level.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR was nominated and sponsored by FAO to deliver a talk on "Status of Parthenium at global level and its management" at International Weed Science Congress held at Vancouver during June, 2008
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney has been nominated as statutory member in "Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation", Deptt. of Biotechnology Govt. of India for a term of 3 years.

    • Dr. Puja Ray, Senior Research Fellow, DWSR, Jabalpur received the graduate student award and travel grant to attend the 5th International Weed Science Congress, held at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada during 22-27 June, 2008. She presented a paper on “Possibilities of activity enhancement of Zygogramma bicolorata, a biocontrol agent of Parthenium hysterophorus, by temperature regulated diapause aversion”.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director DWSR, Jabalpur chaired Technical Session in Asian Pacific Weed Science Conference held at Colombo, Srilanka during October 2007.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney, Director, DWSR, Jabalpur was awarded ‘Gold Medal’ by Crop and Weed Science Society of India, BC Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Mohanpur, Kalyani West Bengal on 21st May, 2008 in recognition of outstanding contribution to weed science in India
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney and Dr. VSGR Naidu were jointly awarded for ‘Best Book Award’ (in English) for ‘Weed Seed Atlas’ by Indian Society of Weed Science in its biennial conference held at Patna during 27-28 Feb. 2008.
    • Dr. Jay G. Varshney and Dr. Sushilkumar were jointly awarded for ‘Best Book Award’ (in English) for ‘Gajar ghass ka jaivik niyantran – vartman esthati evam sambhavnayen’’ by Indian Society of Weed Science in its biennial conference held at Patna during 27-28 Feb. 2008.
    • Sandeep Dhagat, Pankaj Shukla and O N Tiwari were awarded the third prize for the poster entitled “GIS techniques and making weed emergence maps” in Biennial Conference of ISWS held at Bihar Veterinary College, Patna (RAU, Pusa Campus), during February 27-28, 2008. 


      • On the occasion of the 18th Foundation Day of NRCWS, Dr, Jay G. Varsheny, Director appreciated the following scientists and other staff member for their services rendered during 2006-07 and honoured them by giving a certificate of appreciation for their services. The staff namely are Dr. P.K. Singh, Sr. Scientist, Dr. V.P. Singh, Sr. Scientist, Dr, R.P. Dubey, Sr. Scientist, Dr. J.S. Mishra, Sr. Scientist, Dr. Anil Dixit, Sr. Scientist, Dr. M.B.B. Pradad Babu, Sr. Scientist, Dr. Shobha Sondhia, Scientist (SS), Sh. R.S. Upadhyay, T-6 (Farm Manager), Sh. O.N. Tiwari, T-4 (Technical Asstt), Sh. M.P. Tiwari, T-4 (Farm Mechanic), Sh. A.K. Shrivastava, AF&AO, Sh. R. Hadge, Assistant, Sh. J.P. Kori, Assistant, Sh. Ramkumar, Messenger.
      • Sh. Chandra Bhanu, Scientist was nominated as ICAR representative in the Scientific Advisory Committee of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (JNKVV), Aron, Guna (Distt.), M.P. for the year 2007.
      • Dr. Shobha Sondhia received the Best Participant Award during the 21 day training programme on Agricultural resource management for eco-friendly environment, sustainable production system and better soil health organized at Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS), Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, JNKVV from 26 December to 15 January 2007.
      • Dr. P.K. Singh, received the best appreciation award of the Society of Extension, Agra for his outstanding contribution made in the field of Extension Education during fourth Extension Education congress held at JNKVV, Jabalpur from 09-11 march, 2007.


      • Dr. Anil Dixit, received the Best Paper (oral presentation) Award in national Symposium on conservation and Management of Agro-resources in accelerating the food production for 21st Century organized by ISA held at IGKV, Raipur from 14-15 December 2006. He has been nominated as Honorary advisor of Rural Society (Village, society and farmers) : magazine.


      • Dr. N.T. Yaduraju, Director, NRCWS, Jabalpur has been nominated as member of an expert committee of the scheme “Science and Technology for Women” of Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, for a period of three years.
      • Dr. N.T. Yaduraju, Director, NRCWS, Jabalpur has been nominated as member of Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of Project Directorate on Biological Control, Bangalore.
      • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Sr. Scientist of the Centre was honoured for his significant contribution in multiplying, releasing and popularizing the Mexican beetle for Parthenium control in the country.
      • The NRCWS was hououred for its significant contribution made in the awareness and management of Parthenium nation-wide during the Second International Conference on Parthenium at UAS, Bangalore from 5-7 December 2005.
      • Dr. N.T. Yaduraju, the then Director, NRCWS received the ISWS Gold Medal in the Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Weed Science from 6-9 April 2005 at PAU, Ludhiana.
      • Dr. V.S.G.R. Naidu, Seema Paroha, N.T. Yaduraju and Siddharth Nayak received the third prize for their poster on poster on “Seed borne toxicants control germination and viability in Parthenium hysterophorus seeds” during the Second International Conference on Parthenium at UAS, Bangalore from 5-7 December 2005.


      • Dr. N.T. Yaduraju, Director, NRCWS, Jabalpur has been nominated as representative of the ICAR on the Board of Management of JNKVV Jabalpur for a tenure of three years.
      • Dr. V.S.G.R. Naidu, Scientist was honoured with SIROHI AWARD by the Indian Society for Plant Physiology for best research paper published in the Indian Journal of Plant Physiology.
      • Dr. P.J. Khankhane was honoured with ‘Best Participant Prize’ during training programme on “Soil health and Product quality under organic farming” from Jan 22 Feb. 11, 2004 at JNKVV, Jabalpur.
      • Sh. S.K. Bose and Mr. Veer Singh stood first in Carrom and Chess events, respectively, in the ICAR Zonal Tournament held at CIFE, Mumbai from 5-9 January, 2004.


      • Dr. J.S. Mishra, Sr. Scientist (Agronomy) of the Centre was awarded with Dr. P.S. Deshmukh Young Agronomist Award for the year 1999 by the Indian Society of Agronomy for his significant research contribution in the field of Agronomy. The award consisting of a gold medal, a conferred and cash of Rs. 5000 was conferred on him at the inaugural session of 2nd International Agronomy Congress held at New Delhi during 26-30 November 2002.


      • Dr. N.T. Yaduraju, Director, NRCWS, Jabalpur was honoured as the fellow of Indian Society of Weed Science for the year 2000 – 2001.
      • Mr. Basant Mishra, Sr. Photographer, NRCWS, Jabalpur was awarded with the “Associateship” by the India-International Photographic Council for his valuable contribution in the field of photograph. He is the founder for his valuable Secretary of the Central India Photographic Council (CIPC), Jabalpur.
      • Mr. Veer Singh, Messenger, won in final of carom men event in the ICAR Zonal Tournament, held at CIAE, Bhopal participated in Inter Zonal Tournament at IARI, New Delhi during November, 2001.


      • Dr. V.M. Bhan, Director, NRCWS, Jabalpur has been elected as a President of Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) for the year (1994 - 1996). During of ISWS, the society has honoured Dr. V.M. Bhan, Director, for his meritorious service to Weed Science discipline by conferring fellowship of the society.
      • Dr. V.M. Bhan, Director, NRCWS, Jabalpur was awarded “1995 Outstanding International Achievement Award-Developing Countries” by International Weed Science Society, United State of America for his important contribution in research and extension works in the line of Weed Science.
      • Dr. V.M. Bhan, Director, NRCWS, Jabalpur was awarded “Hexamar Foundation Award” by Plant Protection Association of India, Hederabad on 2nd Feb., 1995 for his meritorious contribution in weed control in soybean.
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