A Swachhta programme was organized on 29/05/2017 in village Ghogri Nagan in Dhooma (Seoni) locality under Swachhta Pakhwada. A meeting was organized in the village Panchayat Office where about 150 persons participated including men, women and children. A few farmers from nearby villages viz. Khoont Khamaria and Nagan Deori also participated in this meeting. In the meeting, a lecture was given on the importance of cleanliness. The villagers were motivated to use toilets instead to go in the open for natural calls. It was also suggested to make compost and vermicompost from the agro waste and vegetable waste.
After meeting, all participated to clean nearby area of Panchayat premises including street and temples. Dustbin (one each) was donated to schools of Ghori Nagan, Ghoont Khamariaya and Ngan Deori.
A rally was organized in the village Ghogri Nagan by the participants in the meeting to convey the message of cleaninless in the village. Caps carrying the message and logo of “Cleanliness drive’ was distributed among the villagers.