The integrity pledge was administered to the staff by Director, DWR on 30-10-2017 at 11.30 am. E- pledge was also taken by the staff members. A total of 51 employees took the pledge in the programme, while 61 staff members took e-pledge.
On 31-10-2017, a slogan writing competition was held in which 13 staff members participated. On 01-11-2017, an essay writing competition was held in which 07 staff members participated. The topic of the essay was: “Role of technology in creating a corruption- free India”. As part of the activities, an appeal to root out corruption was made through SMS sent to about 1000 farmers and others. The content of the SMS was आप से अपील है कि भ्रष्टाचार के प्रति सतर्क रहते हुए सत्यनिष्ठा एवं ईमानदारी के प्रति वचनबद्ध हों एवं भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध संघर्ष में साथ दें l खरपतवार अनु. निदेशालय
On 03-11-2017, a debate competition was held on the topic: “Elimination of corruption in the country is possible only through strict government decisions”, in which 08 staff members took part. The debate was followed by the concluding programme. The chief vigilance officer of west central railway, Shri O.P. Singh was the Chief Guest. Dr. R. P. Dubey, PS and vigilance officer,DWR welcomed the guests and presented a report on the various activities organized during the awareness week. Dr. PK Singh, Director, DWR, addressed the gathering and appealed to all to maintain corruption free environment in the Directorate and the society at large. The Chief Guest in his address urged to maintain transparency in official working and timely completion of the assigned works. The winners of the competitions were presented with a certificate and memento. The A.O. , P.R.O. and A.A.O. cooperated in organizing the events.