Sh. Devendra Kumar, Director (Finance), ICAR, New Delhi visited the ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur on 05 May 2018. Dr. P.K. Singh, Director, welcomed the Director (Finance). Sh. Devendra Kumar chaired a meeting with Scientists and Incharges of different sections including administrative / financial personnel. In his address, he expressed his satisfaction on developmental activities of the Directorate.
There were some doubts about the budget and its utilisation relating to the externally funded projects. All the queries/doubts were properly addressed by the Director (Finance). He further explained about the importance of recently developed programme of FMS/MIS in the ICAR, he also Institutes & instructed administrative/finance personnel to take care of it, besides preparing assets register etc. on the system. The Finance & Accounts Officer Sh. M.S. Hedau and Mr. Basant Mishra, PRO coordinated the visit.