Under ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’, cleanliness drive was organized in Shashkiya Madhyamik Shaal, Ramkhiriya Village of Patan, Jabalpur 19.12.2018. This village is adopted under scheme Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav of ICAR. All the students, teachers of the school and 8 employees of the Directorate were participated in the said activity. Swachhta Pledge was taken by all the students/teachers/employees etc. The benefits of the cleanliness was described to the students. The students & teachers were enthusiastically participated in the general discussion related to Swachhta Pakhwada
One dust-bin was also provided to the school for garbage collection. The detail of the activity has also been updated on Directorate’s website. Photographs of the activity are pasted herewith: