On the occasion of closing ceremony of ongoing ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’ Sh. Gajendra Singh Nagesh, Chief Executive Officer, Smart City, Jabalpur was invited as Chief Guest. Dr. P. K. Singh, Director, ICAR – DWR, Jabalpur briefed about the activities undertaken during whole Swachhta Pakhwada from 16.12.2018 to 31.12.2018. He further expressed satisfaction for active participation by the local people, farmers, students & teachers etc.
Sh. Nagesh described about various works done/undertaken by the Municipal Corporation Jabalpur. He further interested to sing MoUs with Directorate on a number of assignments related to weeds, where Directorate can provide technical/scientific assistance for making city clean & green. Sh. Nagesh correlated Swachhta with Health (स्वच्छता एवं स्वस्थता) and described beautifully to the people present in the Hall.
Around 150 people were present during the said closing programme including farmers, nearby people, regular & contractual employees of the Directorate, RA/SRF/ Project Fellow etc. The vote of thanks was presented by Dr. V.K. Choudhary, Sr. Scientist. Sh. Sh Sujeet Kumar Verma, Administrative Officer & Sh. G.R. Dongre, STO cooperated for successful completion of the Swachhta Pakhwada 16-31.12.2018 ceremony. Winners of the above different activity organized during Pakhwada were awarded with the mementos.