ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur has celebrated 31st Foundation Day on April 22, 20l9. In this event, Chief Guest Dr P.K. Bisen, Honourable Vice Chancellor, JNKVV, Jabalpur and Guest of Honour Dr Aparup Das, Director, ICMR-National Institute of Research in Tribal Health, Jabalpur graced the occasion. At the outset, Dr P.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur welcomed the guests and presented the salient achievements of the Directorate. He also briefed the guests about ongoing activities, collaborations and publications made during the year 2018-19. He also emphasized the house about technologies developed to minimize the cost of production with sustainable yield and to enhance the income. Dr Singh also told that, the efforts are being made in order to minimize the loss caused by weeds with various means of weed management.
On the occasion, the Chief Guest Dr P.K. Bisen, Vice-Chancellor, JNKVV, Jabalpur emphasized that how weeds are competing with crops for various resources and reducing the crop yield. Weeds are not only reducing the yield but also harbouring the insects and diseases. He also explained how ICAR has transformed the Indian agriculture through research, teaching and extension. He recollects the memories of the country, how it has got self-sufficiency in food grain production to today’s status of exporting the grains from ship to mouth status. He also addresses the august gathering that collaboration between DWR and JNKVV for collective research, teaching and extension for the betterment of students, farmers and society as a whole. He blessed all the staff of ICAR-DWR for many more landmarks to be achieved in coming days and take the Directorates to the newer heights.
Dr Aparup Das explained about the mutual collaboration between ICAR and ICMR at the national level and both the organizations are working together for the betterment of the people of the country, in terms of nutritional and health security. He also urged the house to have all the possible collaborations between ICAR-DWR, and ICMR-NIRTH, Jabalpur. Thereafter, four achiever farmers of on-farm research area have been felicitated for their outstanding contribution in the implementation of technologies at field level. At the outset, seven staff members of the Directorate have been felicitated for providing memorable services to ICAR for more than 25 years. Similarly, two staffs have also been awarded for their outstanding contribution in ICAR sports at Zonal and National level. On the occasion, six DWR publications were released by Chief Guest/Guest of honour. During the occasion Dr. Sampat, Director, Zoological Survey of India, Director Instruction, Director Research, Dean Faculty and Dean Agriculture, Dean Agriculture Engineering of JNKVV, Scientists from ATARI-IX, ICMR-NIRTH and Borlaug Institute for South Asia, Mr. Paikra from Aakashwani, Jabalpur and 20 progressive/achiever farmers from adopted villages were also participated. In this event, all the Scientists, Officers, Technical’s and all other staff of the Directorates’ were actively participated. Dr Sushil Kumar coordinated the programme and proposed vote of thanks and Dr. Yogita Gharde conducted the event.