A sensor based “Smart Hand Sanitizer Dispenser” was developed at ICAR - Directorate of Weed Research. This is a low cost hand touch-free technology works on the principle of object detection. The developed system includes an object detection sensor, flow cutoff device and power supply unit. A locally available battery operated knapsack sprayer with the available nozzle was used in the system to reduce the cost of unit, easily available to the stake holders and for bulky storage of sanitizer liquid. The system flow rate can be controlled based on the requirement of needy.
In developed machine, when person pass his hand near the nozzle, the sensor detects the persons and allow the sanitizer liquid to flow, later, cutoff the flow when a person move away from the nozzle. The nozzle drops the sanitizer liquid in droplet form instead of spray to avoid the wastages. Three to four drops accounts 2-3 ml which is sufficient enough for a person to sanitize the hand completely and system takes hardly two seconds to drop the four droplets.
The developed system is under use at Directorate and it can easily fabricate with locally available material.