The Directorate has undertaken 5 villages in Katni district of MP under the Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav programme. On-farm research on weed management in wheat under conservation agriculture has been carried out in these 5 villages. To create more awareness on weed management in crops, a Kisan Gosthi was organized at village Ghughra, Katni on 19-02-2016. About 100 farmers and 2 Sarpanch from the identified and nearby villages attended the programme and interacted with the scientists and officers of ICAR-DWR, Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of MP and KVK, Katni. The locality leader, Dr. RP Dubey, PS (Agronomy) welcomed the participants and presented an overview on weed management, and the MGMG programme being conducted in Katni district.
Dr. PK Singh, PS (Ag. Ext.) informed the farmers about the MGMG programme and conservation agriculture practices. Dr. Shobha Sondhia, SS (Org. Chem.) provided information on herbicide use in crops. Dr. AR. Sharma, Director, DWR urged the farmers to adopt the conservation agriculture practices for sustaining the soil and crop productivity. Mr. KK Tiwari, Deputy Director of Agriculture provided detailed information on various governmental schemes and hoped that the farmers would take benefit from such schemes.
Mr. ND Gupta, Project Director (ATMA), Katni urged the farmers to adopt improved weed management practices for increasing crop productivity. Queries of farmers on various aspects were answered by the experts. The farmers were taken to the OFR site to see for themselves the good crop of wheat under conservation agriculture. The programme was conducted by Dr. PP Choudhary, SS (Agri. Chem.) and Dr. Meenal Rathore, SS (Plant Biotech.) of the Directorate.