Institute Research Council (IRC) meetings of the Directorate were conducted in 17-20 May, 2016 under the Chairmanship of Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, ICAR-DWR. Dr. M.S. Kairon, former Director, ICAR-Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur and Dr. E.V.S. Prakasa Rao, former Head, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Bengaluru were the resource persons.
Dr. Sharma briefed about the Directorate’s ongoing research programmes, and new initiatives taken for strengthening the activities and visibility. Dr. Kairon, in his initial remarks, emphasised the importance of weed management for farmers. Dr. Rao elucidated the impact of weed management on food production in the changing climate scenario. Dr. P.P. Choudhury, Member Secretary, IRC presented the action taken report on general recommendations of the previous IRC meeting. Research work carried out by scientists during 2015-16 was reviewed in the meeting. The achievements made in research, teaching, training and extension activities were thoroughly discussed and suggestions for further improvement were made. Technical programme for 2016-17 was also finalised.
The contributions by the scientists in this Directorate were appreciated by the resource persons. Dr. Kairon suggested increased emphasis on the publicity of the work done and transfer of technologies generated. Dr. Rao desired translational research for the benefit of farming community, the outcome of which should be published in scientific journals. Dr. A.R. Sharma also exhorted the scientists to bring out research publication and complete the pending compilations at the earliest.